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We don't judge our success by how many patients we have.

We judge it by how many ex-patients we have.



Revive Motional Health provides treatment to individuals to develop, maintain and restore optimum movement and function throughout life.

We assess and analyse your body patterns closely to determine the quality of your movement and strength. This precise diagnosis allows the core of your problem (not just your symptoms) to be addressed along with the best way to relieve and prevent pain or injury from occurring again.


Our focus is on the best outcome for all patients via an individual and detailed assessment with expert advice and explanations combined with an effective and clear treatment plan to relieve stress and help the body function without pain. In particular, back and neck pain is our area of expertise.


Revive specialises in the following areas:

     >  Back and neck pain

     >  Hip and shoulder injuries

     >  Posture correction

     >  Sports injuries

     >  Video analysis – running and cycling technique

     >  Fall prevention


Skilled manual therapy techniques such as mobilisation, massage, heat application and exercise are applied in a professional, sensitive and pain-free manner to revive your full range of mobility and strength.


You may consider physiotherapy for a variety of reasons:

     >  Ongoing discomfort in neck and back

     >  Arthritis

     >  Muscle and joint pain – knee, hips, arms,   


     >  Poor posture

     >  Recovery and rehabilitation from surgery

     >  Experience pins and needles on 

         a regular basis

     >  Regular headaches

     >  To improve core strength and conditioning

         of muscles

     >  Injury prevention or treatment



The health of your feet can have a huge impact on the rest of your body... as well as your general physical and mental wellbeing.

Revive offers the best in foot care from foot and ankle pain through to nail surgery and orthoses fabrication.

Our Physiotherapists and Podiatrists work as a team so you can be sure you’re getting treatment to the whole problem, not just part of it. 

Patient-centred care is a focus of our Podiatry team, we will take the time to listen to you and how your lower limb issue is affecting your daily activities.

Management to help return you to your best may include strength and conditioning exercises, footwear advice, taping, pre-fabricated or customised foot orthoses.

Revive specialises in the following areas:

    >  Shin, foot and ankle  injuries and pain - diagnosis

         and personalised management

    >  Running Injuries - video gait analysis 

    >  Biomechanical assessment –  gait and running assessment,

         footwear evaluation and prescription.

     >  Foot Orthoses – customised orthoses with hard

          or soft materials available.

     >  Diabetes – thorough circulation and nerve conduction

          testing and subsequent management 

     >  Children’s feet – expert advice, assessment

         and treatment for everything in growing feet.

     >  General foot care – pain-free toenail treatment,

         removal of callus and corns, wart treatment

You may also consider podiatry for a range of reasons including:

     >  General aching of feet and legs

     >  Heel and arch pain

     >  Flat feet queries

     >  Footwear causing ongoing pain/discomfort

     >  Ongoing back and knee pain








Why would you choose an Exercise Physiologist instead of a Personal Trainer?

While some Ex Phys' can also be Personal Trainers... but they're job as an Ex Phys isn't simply to get you fit... or help you lose weight.

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) are 4-year university qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic diseases and injuries.


AEPs also provide physical activity and behaviour change support for clients with conditions such as; cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, cancer, arthritis, COPD and many more.

So, your Exercise Physiologist is looking at overall physical health with treatments and activities tailored to suit your personal needs, sometimes working with our Podiatrists, Nutritionist and Physios toward a total outcome.


Exercise physiologists are understand the effect that exercise has on the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and the endocrine (gland and hormone) systems.


They can prescribe a course of exercises for either fitness or rehabilitation, as well as advise on behavioral modification programs and encourage development of healthy habits to help manage medical condition.


Exercise Physiology services are claimable on private health insurance as well as Medicare, DVA, TAC and Workcover.


What can I expect from my Exercise Physiology session?


Initially the Exercise Physiologist will ask about your medical history, including chronic injuries or conditions you may have.


They will also ask you about your current exercise routine and any goals you may have - these may be related to a specific injury or just a lifestyle related goals.


They will then conduct a basic movement screen, looking at how your body is moving. This allows them to prescribe exercises that will benefit you specifically.


What’s the difference between an AEP and Personal Trainer?


An individual can become a Personal Trainer in a matter of days and up to several months, depending on the course they choose, while an Exercise Phys will need to study for 4 years at University including more than 500 hours of supervised placement in a work environment.

Exercise Physiologists specialise in graded exercise therapy and lifestyle interventions for people at risk of developing, or with, existing chronic conditions and complex medical conditions and injuries.... while Personal Trainers tend to specialise in delivery of fitness programs for apparently healthy populations.



Exercise Pysiology

Re-training your body to work more effectively. That’s what our exercise classes are about.


Revive has introduced a supervised exercise programme designed specifically to assist people with recovering from injury; returning to full activity and maintaining active function.

Classes are highly specialised offering participants a graded active rehabilitation exercise system, with individualised programs to suit all ages and levels of fitness delivered by highly trained and skilled professionals.

The focus is on rebuilding strength and core stability, improving posture and patterns of movement.  

Return to your favourite activities, work and sport and move with confidence and control.

Participants undergo a comprehensive assessment of their injury including their strength, movement patterns and posture and  by one of our highly skilled  physiotherapists.  

Once the cause of your injury or discomfort has been established, a highly individualised exercise rehabilitation programme is developed.  You will then be taken through your programme by our Exercise Physiologist John Kingston.

For most injuries, it suggested that you attend twice weekly for eight weeks, or as suggested by your physiotherapist.

To register your interest and make an appointment for your assessment contact Revive Motional Health.








Hydrotherapy is the use of exercise in a warm pool to promote muscle and joint relaxation that assists in the treatment of conditions like arthritis and chronic back pain.

The Hydrotherapy Pool is now under the management of St Giles; for more information please see their website






What you eat can have a huge impact on the rest of your body... as well as your general physical and mental wellbeing.

Katie is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and member of the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA). 

She has completed a Masters in Dietetics at Deakin University and a Bachelor of Health Science at the University of Tasmania.

Katie's previous experience includes positions at the Royal Hobart Hospital (Tasmania) and at Nutrition Health and Wellbeing (private practice, Victoria). She has experience in the nutritional management of a wide range of health conditions and has a special interest in diabetes, weight management, gastrointestinal disorders and oncology.

Katie is passionate about promoting good health and wellbeing through food and nutrition. Her approach is professional and evidence based and she enjoys working alongside her clients to make positive and achievable life long changes. 

Katie also works as a consultant for Nutrition Australia and volunteers her time as the Continuing Professional Development Coordinator for the Tasmanian DAA Engagement and Development Committee as well as on the Scientific and Social Program Committee for the 2017 DAA National Conference.



  • General Healthy Eating

  • Weight Management

  • Diabetes Mellitus

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Hypertension

  • Hypercholesterolaemia

  • Coeliac Disease

  • Diverticular Disease

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Malnutrition

  • Oncology

  • Food Allergies/Intolerances

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Pregnancy and Breast Feeding

  • Paediatrics

  • Renal Disease

  • Liver Disease

  • Nutrient & Mineral Deficiencies

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome




Clinical Pilates is a method of treating injury through exercise that focuses on posture, core stability, balance, control, strength, flexibility, and breathing.
Clinical Pilates (as distinct to more generalised Pilates classes) identifies  key areas of weakness and poor patterns of movement  and treats this by applying carefully selected exercises to target these problem areas.


Who is it for?

Well, the people who will see the most gains are those with chronic issues - back and neck pain  , weakness in a particular movement, but almost all people will benefit from some kind of Pilates. After all, none of us are perfect. It’s just a matter of finding out what’s not quite right, then determining what needs to be done to get to where you want to be.


There’s not much point in doing anything really unless you know what you’re trying to achieve… and why.


Take  a more generalised Pilates class for example that are common in gyms… you will likely improve but you’ll get far more benefit, if you know where your weaknesses are and what exercises you need to do to overcome them.


That’s basically the difference between garden-variety Pilates and Clinical Pilates.  And that’s why you’d choose a clinic with Physiotherapists and Podiatrists working together to work out what the problem is, as well as choosing who and how to solve it. We are the only one clinic that can offer you this.


Clinical Pilates starts with diagnosing movement fault, because, let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how you get there if you don’t know where you’re going.


We find out where we need to go first, then we map a route.


Amy does your assessment during a one-on-one consult and provides any treatment that may be required.




As you improve and a routine is established, you’ll move into a group class with up to eight people requiring the same kind of program.




KGV Sport & Community Centre

1A Anfield Street

Glenorchy Tas 7010

03 6272 4000


Open Five Days

Mon - Thurs: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm


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